YUMA – Gila Ridge High School, Virginia Legros M.Ed., Director of Counseling, vlegros@yumaunion.org
HOLTVILLE – Holtville High School YR Chapter, Margaret and Katie Strahm, 760-356-2362, garghie@gmail.com
In memory of Aaron Strahm
Yellow Ribbon International
303.429.3530 www.yellowribbon.org
In memory of Mike Emme
GREELEY – Yellow Ribbon Greeley Chapter, Linda & Ken Emery
970.396.2201 Linda_Emery@msn.com , www.yrcity.org
In memory of Matt Walling and Sarah Munger
WRAY — Yuma County Yellow Ribbon Chapter, Sylvia Alcorn-Martin
(308) 280-1202, Sylvia.Alcorn@bannerhealth.com.
In memory of Colton Alcorn
SEMINOLE – SUNCOAST Yellow Ribbon Chapter: Bonnie McClelland, Founder – Director, bmcfla@gmail.com, 727-403-4355
In memory of Tim McClelland
GRANGER– Yellow Ribbon Program at UHS Suicide Prevention Center, Kent Laudeman, Ed.D., Director, 574-314-5426, klaudeman@uhs-in.org
SOUTH BEND – Survivor of Suicide Support Group, 547-314-5426, Kent Laudeman, klaudeman@uhs-in.org, Last Tuesday of each month 6:30 - 8:00 pm
INFO: I am certified as a Yellow Ribbon presentor, QPR trainer, and AFSP facilitator for Suicide Survivor Support Group
MONTGOMERY – Yellow Ribbon of Illinois, Matt Israel, 715-612-0982, gethealthier@gmail.com
MANHATTAN – YR Program of Flint Hills Volunteer Center/RSVP, Lori Bishop, Executive Director, loribishop.rsvp@gmail.com, www.flinthillsvolunteercenter.com
DODGE CITY – YR of Western Kansas – Coordinator/Trainer/Speaker - Richard Falcon, rfalcon@compassbh.org
EASTON – National Yellow Ribbon Speaker/Trainer, Robert Schmidt, Ph. D, LPCC, NCC,
410-822-0330 x 152, rschmidt@tcps.k12.md.us
SAGINAW – Yellow Ribbon Chapter of Saginaw, Barb Smith, 989-781-5260 sosbarb@aol.com, SaginawSurvivorsofSuicide.org
In memory of all those lost.
NEW ULM – Brown County Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention, Jeanne Reed and Jessica Hoffmann
Website: www.browncomnyellowribbon.com
OMAHA – Mike McCann, School Counselor, Westside Middle School, Yellow Ribbon Certified Trainer, 402-639-1292, mccann.michael@westside66.net
PONCA HILLS – Ponca Hills Yellow Ribbon Chapter: Barb O’Keefe, poncahillsyellowribbon@outlook.com
ALBUQUERQUE – Yellow Ribbon NM: Ane Romero MPA, ane.romero7@gmail.com, 505-699-9330 seebelieveandachieve.com
NEWARK – First United Methodist Church YR Program Site, Jean Lansberry, 315.254.6016, hope4u@rochester.rr.com, www.firstumcofnewark.com
In memory of Raechelle Moon
ATHENS – YR Auxiliary to the Ohio Osteopathic Ass’n, Mary and Ed Schreck, 740.592.3734, schreck@ohio.edu
In Memory of Christopher Schreck
BEAVERCREEK – Project Brite Star, Suzanne O’ Rear (937) 372-0745 sueorear@aol.com
In memory of Alan O’Rear
BEDFORD – National Yellow Ribbon Speaker – Tina Henderson, R.N., 814-285-7181 ednrs0556@yahoo.com
In memory of Eric Henderson
DALLAS – Texas Osteopathic Association, Shirley Bayless R.N., 214-331-6444 shirleynurse@juno.com
SHAWANO – R.O.A.D.S YR Project, Ginger Swedberg, 715.526.5334, Jeri Montour,
Jerilee1314@yahoo.com, Gingerswedberg@yahoo.com
Yellow Ribbon Zambia, Francis B.
Mulenga, +260-977-277377
Noah Kabwita
New South Wales
ACT – Jamison Centre
Yellow Ribbon ACT, Jan Adams
West Australia
Geraldton – Midwest Yellow Ribbon
For Life Inc.
Kate Rickerby, 0899-214895
Nova Scotia
Barrington Passage
YR Chapter of Barrington
Cheryl Baker
In Memory of Rhian Mood
National Northern Ireland Office
Craigavon Northern Ireland
Craigavon, Yellow Ribbon
Arthur Cassidy, Ph.D, C.Psychol, AFBPsS, Founder/Director
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program®
7300 Lowell Boulevard, Westminster, Colorado 80030, United States
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